Frankie is a French ex-racehorse who is one of our rehab "old boys" - he went home in June. You can read more about him on the
Rehab page and there are clips and photos of his hooves there too.
Like many rehab horses, Frankie hadn't been in work for a long time before he came down, and as they didn't go anywhere apart from the vet's, his owner didn't need transport...but now...

....Frankie has wheels!!
Cristina also sent me a couple of lovely shots of the boy himself, going places - thats what I like to hear :-)...AND his mane is lying perfectly - I never managed to achieve that while he was here ...or... has Cristina plaited it...What do you think?!

Wondered if you'd spot the mane. It is plaited in a desperate attempt to train it to lie flat. It lasted a day after the plaits came out before defaulting to the normal upright wiry style. Very unthoroughbred like.
LOL! I will send you a photo of Dexter's mane one day - another TB with an UNRULY mane :-)
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