Friday 26 April 2019

Humphrey's 8 week photos

Here are Humphrey's comparison photos, with his original pictures above and the most recent ones below, as usual. Humphrey was diagnosed on MRI with 2 DDFT tears and navicular bone damage on the RF.
He started landing heel first about 4 weeks ago and since then the back of his hooves have become stronger. You can also see that there is a new angle of growth in the dorsal wall visible from the top. 

His frogs are a bit tatty but thats nothing to worry about. His heels are broader and his frogs are receiving the stimulus to become healthier as well. 

A nice illustration from this angle of the better digital cushion development over the last 8 weeks. 

This was his worse foot so its good to see that it is less under-run than before and more supportive. 

This foot is also showing a change in balance with a stronger medial side than before. We will film Humphrey over this weekend and check his medio-lateral balance but I would expect it to be better. 

Humphrey's footage is on his previous update:

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