Saturday 5 February 2011

Rehab update - Patsy

There has been so much stuff to put on the blog this week that I haven't got round to Patsy's photos - so here they are now:
There are a couple of things to like already - firstly that she is growing a new hoof capsule at a much stronger angle, highlighted in the circle at the coronet....Above, when she arrived 2 weeks ago and below, yesterday...
...and secondly that her hoof growth rate has increased since December, when she last had shoes on - the arrow indicates the nail holes.

Interestingly, given the post I put up yesterday, I am beginning to suspect that Patsy may have also been loading her hooves unevenly.  Her LF particularly has a twist currently which may have been contributing to her problems.
It looks from this angle as if she may have been overloading medially, as opposed to laterally, as the other horse was doing.  It will be fascinating to see how her new hoof capsule compensates for this. 

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