Saturday 19 September 2009

Pathetic mileage this week, I am afraid!

The horses have only done the most feeble amounts of work this week, I am afraid, and hunting has had to very much take a backseat to everything else that has been going.

I've done far too much mileage up and down the country, but the consolation is that I've had my new ideal truck dog, Winston, with me and he has been an absolute little star, settling down to sleep in his crate on the front seat when we are on the road, partying with whoever he meets - canine or human - and eating enormous amounts of food 4 times a day :-)

On Friday I was up at Stoneleigh, working with other barefoot practitioners, vets and farriers and the ever-helpful staff at LANTRA to finalise the national occupational standards which we've been working on for some months now so that they can go out for a last 6 week consultation period. Its a very exciting development, so I'll post more about that next week :-)

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