Monday, 11 January 2016

Norman's first day photos

Norman is our next new arrival and unlike Josh arrived in shoes. As ever with bar shoes, you are left to guess what the frog underneath is really like but I will post "naked" photos of his feet soon.
Like Josh, Norman has been diagnosed on MRI with DDFT damage to the LF and also like Josh, remedial farriery had not resulted in an improvement in his lameness so now its up to us to see what we can do - no pressure then! 
 From this angle though there is an interesting twist in the shoe which I suspect was not there when it was put on but as hooves grow and shoes don't, mismatches are quite common a few weeks after shoeing.

There is quite a shunt in the hairline on this foot, although I accept that the camera angle and lack of light don't help - taking photo and video at this time of year is the bane of my life to be honest. 
On this foot the medio-lateral balance when he walks is much better and its probably this which has left this shoe much straighter than the LF. Overall not a bad heel and digital cushion and Norman was landing heel first in his bar shoes so we will see what the next few weeks hold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look forward to seeing Normans journey.