Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Tremendous response despite techno-disasters!

New note: email is now back on intermittently but is not reliable. If you sent anything to me at rockleyfarm since Sunday it has vanished into the ether...Please resend it to nic@barefoothorses.co.uk and I will get back to you as soon as I can :-)

The last couple of days have been very trying on the technology front - first the company that used to host the Rockley Farm website was taken over last year and their security deteriorated to the point that I couldn't use them any more...But they also refused to enable you to transfer domain names away from them, so I had to go to Nominet to get the transfer sorted out...

Thought I had done that on Sunday and that all would be well only to find that the new company had servers down and were unable to host the site - as well as losing all my RockleyFarm email into the bargain....Of course they'd also charged me for hosting the site in the meantime, even though they didn't actually provide any service at all... so I am now having a fight with them about that.

Finally I transferred AGAIN to a third company, only to find that their server doesn't like Macs, or that Apple in their wisdom have "upgraded" their software and it has become glitchy since the last time the site was hosted (seems unlikely as it was working ok on Sunday...)...Anyway, I in my plodding, non-techno way am trying to get it sorted out and up and running, with the help of the new service provider, and email is now getting through to me but I know the website isn't right at the moment, so please bear with me...(!)

On a happier note, there has been a fantastic response from vets and owners to the research results that I posted on Friday (http://rockleyfarm.blogspot.com/2010/07/project-dexter-results-so-far.html), which is far more important :-)

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