Thursday 23 March 2017

Publishing day!

My new book is now officially out there  - huge thanks to my proof-readers for helping get it this far. 

It's available as a download for £2.99 and there will be a print version coming soon - more details on the blog shortly! 

You can find the download versions here (please note that because of the large number of photos it is not compatible with devices which don't have colour displays):

on Amazon (UK) as a Kindle ebook

on Amazon (US) as a Kindle ebook

on Inktera

I hope you enjoy it!

PS: A few people have reported that there is a problem with the spacing on Kindle devices. We think we have now resolved it but if you have any problems then PLEASE email me ( or message me on Facebook .


  1. Will it be available as a Kindle format from Amazon Nic?

  2. Yes Bruce - its with them now and it should be downloadable within a day or so. I'll add to this post when I have other outlets.

  3. Nic - there is a problem with the Kindle version. I ma using the Kindle HD 10 (most recent version) and there are no spaces between words and they run over each other.

  4. Hi Bruce, Yes, a couple of other people have reported the same. I will message you!

  5. Just reporting back to say, I downloaded a sample and the content looks great, but using the Kindle app on my phone, there was no ability to change the size of the font, and the preset size is super teeny! I quite like small font and this was too small for me to read comfortably. If I zoomed in, then I couldn't see the whole page at once. I don't know whether there are plans to fix this in an updated edition, but it does make it a bit non-user-friendly! A great shame, because the content looks very interesting!


  6. Hi Tam,
    We think we have now fixed this and we are just running some tests - I will comment again on here once its finalised, but thanks for your feedback so far :-)

  7. OK, the fix is in the post above this one or you can find it here:

  8. Bought it even though I don't need it because you deserve the revenues for your ground breaking work in restoring health to lame horses. One day the Veterinary Professional bodies will be forced to take notice, and you will hopefully be given the credit you so richly deserve.

    Works perfectly on Android kindle app, btw.

