Thursday 9 March 2017

Performance Hoof, Performance Horse

Its all over bar the shouting...I've finally finished my new book and it should look something like this...

Its been a long time putting it together but I'm now on the last lap and I will let you know as soon as its available. It will most likely be digital rather than print so I'm hoping there won't be long to wait.


  1. Brilliant - it'll be a must read. Times 100 bestseller no doubt. Even Farrier Giles Holton will buy a copy. ;)

  2. Cheers Bruce! I'm sure you are right :-0

  3. I thought your first book was the most helpful/balanced/well put book I had read on encouraging people to let their horses try barefoot. Am really interested to read this one - had no idea you had another one in the pipeline. Congratulations!

  4. Thank you Pat - it's been a couple of years in the making :-) Your kind words are really appreciated.

  5. Your first book has been invaluable to me... I thought it was brilliant. I can't wait for the next. Well done!

  6. Interested when it comes out

  7. Thanks all - you will see it here first.

  8. Can't wait to get this one too!
