Monday 11 November 2013

Monday madness

Not the horses this time, but sadly my faithful old Canon camcorder is on its last legs and I had to bite the bullet and buy a new camera.

I tried it out yesterday and couldn't resist this footage - it made me smile and that's probably what most of us need on a Monday morning - hope you enjoy it :-)


  1. How do those little legs not break? Daft dawg.


  2. Aren't they lovely. I adore watching my Vizslas play. What is the dark one? Reminds me of a black GSP, although you don't see solid blacks that often.

  3. Those are some really nice heel-first landings:)

  4. Sidoney, he is half V and half doberman, a rescue who came to us 18 months ago :-)

  5. Thanks Nic!

    BTW, your blog has caused a bit of a paradigm change in my approach to barefoot. In a good way!
