Friday 8 November 2013

Bad weather for blogging

Has anyone else had one of those weeks? Its rained here every day apart from Monday and every day apart from Monday I've spent most of my time out in it and it feels as if everything takes twice as long as is twice as tiring! 

To make matters worse, poor Dylan and O'Neil have each had a bruised hind foot which has made them both feel very sorry for themselves, although I'm glad to say they both seem to be on the mend now.

Added to that horrible dark evenings and mornings which seem to be drawing in more quickly than ever all in all November is certainly not turning out to be a favourite month. 

Still, I am relying on Indy to bring a bit of Friday cheer to the blog. I am aware I am behind in posting footage on several other horses but the weather has made it very difficult to get any filming done though I am aiming to catch up as soon as I can.
 These stills show Indy in September (above), October (below) and November (at the bottom). They are not unfortunately all from the same angle but I hope you can see that there have been some nice changes.
 By October he is less hollow and is stepping under better with his hind legs. At this stage he had just started landing better but by November his landing (as I posted on Monday) is much more established and as a result his stride length and suspension are improving as well.


  1. Very visible changes with the horse looking so much looser and free. I have just lunged Itsy for the first time today since her return and although canter is weak as expected her trot is looking really good with much more powering through from behind so still onwards and upwards for us ! Good vibes sent out for all the other rehabs :-)

  2. Great news Amanda, and thank you :-)
