Monday 22 August 2011

Who'd have thought it?

New week, new updates - there is also a new horse - Paddy, a sociable Irish draught from Essex, but he will get a blog post of his own later this week!

I've been keeping a close eye on Taz as I had a suspicion that his landing had improved.  I filmed him over the weekend and I'm glad to say my suspicions were confirmed.  

Taz - updated footage from Nic Barker on Vimeo.

Taz  - who is 17.2hh - is now bestest buddies with Nicky - who is a smidgeon under 14hh.  They make an odd couple...(!).  Nicky's landing was actually worse than Taz's when she arrived, but although she hasn't progressed quite as quickly as he has, she has developed considerably over the last 3 weeks and hers will be the next new footage to be posted here.


  1. Thats amazing, the difference in his landing is remarkable, not as much twisting with the r/h either. I miss him like mad but now I know that I KNOW we're doing the right thing! What a ladies man, he has played the game, proved chivalry is not dead and won the fair maiden eh?!!!

  2. Very nice. The most noticeable change is the loss of the "shimmy" up his leg as he sets it down. The concussion was so great in the first video it made it up to his shoulder. But now, much quieter leg placement. \o/

  3. Yep Lea :-) I'm not sure how long the mutual infatuation will last but they are happy at the moment.

    Ligeda - agreed - I am quite impressed with how fast he has started changing.
