Sunday 21 August 2011

Meet the new Rockley team members!

Last week was an insanely busy one up here, but luckily for me I had fantastic help from the 2 newest members of the Rockley team.  The first needs no introduction - my nephew Sam who has been helping out since he was big enough to hold a yard broom!  
He was here all week and added bringing horses in, bedding up boxes and changing rugs up to his extensive skill set (which already includes strimming, grooming ponies, cleaning up after puppy dogs, sweeping the yard and helping skip out).  He is a very useful chap to have around especially as he is always cheerful and doesn't even mind getting up at stupid o'clock in the mornings!
Unfortunately he has gone on holiday to France this week and after that is going back home, but I have first dibs on him when he leaves school...
The second new team member has also been a Rockley regular for a while, albeit in an unofficial capacity!  Edward, our friend and nearly-neighbour has been helping out - and taking our horses hunting - for the last 2 or 3 seasons and is another person who is invaluable to have around.
Things always seem to run more smoothly when he is here, so when he said he had some spare capacity and offered to become a fully paid up member of the Rockley team it was a dream come true for me!
He has lifelong experience of working with horses and if we carry on being as busy as we have been so far this year, his help will be even more essential.  He has only been working here for the last couple of weeks but I don't think I could have got through them without him, and suddenly this winter looks a bit more manageable :-)


  1. Gee, if I had known you were hiring I'd have dusted off my oilskin duster and jumped on a plane. Probably have to wait til I got there to get some Wellies - hard to find in Colorado.
    Seriously, I wondered who you had behind the scenes, looks like a busy place. :-)

  2. Good help is so hard to come by... I'm glad you've got some excellent folks to keep you on track!
