Wednesday 24 August 2011

Over 100,000! and lots of news

Wow! - yesterday the blog's visitors topped 100,000 - thank you all for stopping by so regularly :-)   Lots of other news too...

The Rockley Rehabs Reunion is coming up soon, and I've emailed all you rehab  owners.  You need to let me know by 31st August if you are coming - even if you've already let me know you are coming,  I also need some other details from you too so get replying :-)

I've copied the email on a new RRR page, so have a  look there if the email has gone astray.  It could be like a mini barefoot Glastonbury, hopefully without the mud(!)  Sorry to everyone else, its only for rehab horses and owners...

Onto horse news - Cristina has posted on Facebook about her and Frankie's latest SJ outing at Patchetts - no new photos unfortunately but she said:

"He jumped the best he has. Course was right up to height and nearly everything was a spread and lots of combinations and related distances but it seemed to suit us"

Frankie is obviously getting in some sneaky practice before the RRR(!)...
I've also heard from Tiff and Oscar, who have had a rough few weeks with grass problems, trim problems and things generally being thrown at them.  As you may remember, Oscar is a brilliant example of unique hoof balance and symmetry so it was lovely to hear from Tiff yesterday that everything is now on the mend - wonderful, wonderful news!

"Oscar is doing REALLY WELL!!! He seems to have grown back a flare to the inside of his front left and his soles and frogs have suddenly (seemingly overnight) gone rock hard, with, I dare to hope, some concavity. He is walking across big stones much, much better, is happy as larry on tarmac and is going well in the school - I'll send a video soon so you can see him in action! His stride length is coming back - that famous strutting walk he had is all but there, so much so that someone who had not seen him for a couple of years commented how fantastic he looked and how he seemed so much more balanced in himself.
 I'm so scared to jinx anything, but it really seems we are heading upwards; he is taking canter left no problem (which was the big issue before the navic diagnosis) and I may even look to take him to a comp in the next couple of months, all being well. He's having limited grass during the day - only a few hours, as I'm so paranoid about it, but fingers crossed he seems to be OK with this.  Thank you so much for everything, Nic, I feel like I have my horse of a lifetime back."
Kate and Storm have also just passed their one-year-since-leaving-Rockley anniversary, and celebrated with a 3 and a half hour ride out with a couple of friends!
They've also sent a long letter to their vets describing their exploits over the past year, despite those vets giving Storm a "poor" prognosis after MRI :-)  Onwards and upwards, and well done both of you!
Also on vet's news, I had a lovely email from George's vet, who saw his footage last week and is thrilled with his progress so far - as she said, long may that continue!


  1. Woohoo tons of good news! And 100,000 views! I can't believe my own blog is at almost 250,000 and none of what I write about it HALF as interesting as all of the stuff you write! It's crazy how it all happens!

  2. Ah, thanks Andrea - we are a mutual admiration society :-) Actually I think a lot of people found my blog from yours so a big THANK YOU from me to you and Gogo, and we love your stuff too - your popularity is very well deserved :-)
