Wednesday 2 February 2011

The joys and frustrations of t'internet

I'm still having problems with email - mostly its getting through but the address is patchy and unreliable so I've set up an alternate address:  Feel free to use this as well as, or in place of, my normal email, especially if you've sent something and haven't had a reply.

Meanwhile, to make up for the frustrations of the internet, I've been very touched to receive this award from several fellow bloggers :-)
Thank you to, and for recommending Rockley Farm for the award - its an amazing thought that the internet has created a community out of people who are on different continents but can still catch up with each other's daily goings on via our blogs!

The award comes with strings attached, too...(!)

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
As for the 7 things... 
  1. I saw my parents on Sunday afternoon and they are on very good form, and seem well on the road to recovery :-)  Thanks to all of you for your good wishes and kind messages while they were ill recently.  
  2. I am going to change email and website provider as soon as humanly possible - any recommendations for really reliable hosts, let me know(!)...
  3. I am going to try and go hunting today - if I manage it, it will be the first day NOT cancelled due to the weather since Lucie came out with Solomon!
  4. I have a new camera, because my trusty Sony is on its last legs, so I hope I will get some fun hunting footage - you will see it here first if I do :-)
  5. The sun DID come out yesterday, and as a result my school, which has been frozen since last Thursday is thawing at last - so ditto to new footage of the rehab horses later in the week...
  6. And now for the of the most important things in my life at the moment is my beloved teasmade - nothing better than having a nice cup of tea as your morning alarm call when the mornings are still dark.
  7. I was given silk thermals for Christmas, and haven't taken them off since (luckily I was given 2 sets - thanks Mum!).
As for passing the award on - I don't know if I will make it to 15, especially as the 4 above are already taken(!) but obviously Wiola's blog has to be on the list: along with the Aspire Equestrian blog.   I check out regularly, as well and from there have also found which has great photos and is an interesting viewpoint as its by a US rider who is now in the UK.  

Bruce Armstrong has always been a huge supporter both of Rockley and UKNHCP, and his blog is always good for a read:  Lucy Priory is another who flies the flag for barefoot horses:

On a non-horsey note, this is hilarious and great escapism:

I am sure I will come across others, in which case they will go on the list - apologies to those I've missed out... :-)

ETA: Richard, Felix, Angel and I are hunting this morning - we hope - but its foggy and raining (quelle surprise, I hear Kate say!) so don't hold your breath for footage(!)...


  1. I moved business and personal email to gmail after constant problems with domain name and web based email providers. I love Google. I use google docs, google email, and of course, blogger, all the time. And it is becoming more accepted as a business address as more people get fed up with web mail and switch.

  2. Thanks Barbara!

    I've also noticed that several comments didn't make it through - think I've picked them all up but if any of you have been left in the ether, email me!

  3. Hi Nic
    I am Fayleys dad (Isha) I run a network of 25 remote sites all connected by broadband and we use Eclipse Internet for them all. They are Exeter based and have a local help desk.

    I find them, very good and have used them for 10 years.

  4. Thank youuu :):) You definitely deserve the award!
    I will pop mine on the blog soon, so many updates not sure where to start :)
