Thursday 3 February 2011

All terrain hooves

Yay - we did manage to get out hunting yesterday, although we were in and out of the fog and around 3.30pm gales and rain swept in - luckily me and my horses were only a field from home at that point!   Although Angel was a very good boy, he is not inclined to stand still, which makes photos tricky and I wasn't risking my brand new camera to film video in the rain :-)

Nevertheless, I grabbed a couple of shots of Felix (on the right, not impressed by the field impinging on his, Richard's and the huntsman's personal space) and the track we were on at the time.
When I took the photos, we were standing watching hounds on the opposite hill but a few minutes later we went up the track at speed - as we did up similar tracks on several other occasions... Maybe when we have better weather I'll get some more footage :-)  The boys only clocked up 18 miles, due to the late, foggy start, but when it wasn't stony it was wet and when it wasn't wet it was steep, so I was pleased with them both!

I can't fit it onto today's blog, but there are updates on the rehab horses to come, and I also want to post lots on asymmetric hooves and the dangers of trimming(!) which is a hot topic on the UKNHCP forum at the moment!

To whet your appetites, here is a photo to be going on with:

Discuss.      :-)


  1. Hello, just found your blog courtesy of Kate at A Year With Horses.

    I'm still fairly new at this so I'm going to guess outside walls are left high leaving the horse to lean in too much?

  2. Thanks Smazourek and welcome to the blog! Good guess, but actually the walls are equal height, though you can't see that from this photo of course...

    I am planning to post sole shots tomorrow, and give more of an explanation about what's happening :-)

  3. Very interesting feet! Is this horse also toed-in? It's hard to tell from the picture... but I guess the question would be whether he travels straighter than his feet grow?!

  4. Very interesting feet!
    Is this horse also toed-in?
    It's hard to tell from the picture... so I guess my question would be... does this horse travel straighter than his hooves grow?

  5. Jenny, he travels pretty straight - the twist is in his cannon bone and the hoof deviation I think allows him to load more evenly and land more levelly.

    PS: Sorry your comment slipped through the net - think I have picked them all up now(!)...
