Monday 23 November 2020

Valentina's 12 week update

Valentina went home this weekend so its a chance to review how she has done. As usual, her top phtos are from the day she arrived and her lower photos are the comparison from 12 weeks later. 

The LF is definitely her worst foot, as her landing on this foot has not yet improved enough for her to be back in full work. This is unusual, as the majorioty of horses are working 4 times a week by this stage but occasionally wehvae a horse who does not play by the rules and Valentina is one of those! Still, her stance is showing a better foot than she had on arrival so she may well develop a better landing over the next few months. 

This is now a different shaped and much healthier looking foot but her frog is under-developed compared to the RF and it is this which is probably impacting her landing. 

Again, from this angle her foot has a better digital cushion than it had when she arrived, but this has not yet been enough to give her a good landing. It may be a question of more time, but its impossible to be sure. 

Not the best angle of photo as it has made her feet look boxy, which they aren't, so apologies for that! This is actually her better foot where she has developed a heel first landing and a better stride length as a result. 

Again, the angle is not great, but she has a shorter toe now and a stronger frog, which is good to see. 

From this perspective its easy to see how her digital cushion has improved and her foot balance improved, despite the poor light for taking photos. 

We're keeping everything crossed that Valentina will continue to improve back home over the winter. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Nic,
    I've recently changed farriers for my mare, who's had some foot related lameness issues for a few months (with coffin joint and navicular bursa injections, bar shoes not helping). The farrier said he thinks her issues can be sorted by taking her shoes off and we are now into week 3. That's how I came across this blog of yours and I've also bought your book, Feet First. As a result, I've bought the equivita mineral forage balancer recommended. My mare ate the full dose happily for 10 days but has now gone completely off it and won't touch her feed. I've syringed it in for a couple of days, but that is really upsetting her. I wanted to ask if you have any good, "foot safe" suggestions that might help? I've tried beet, grass nuts, linseed, garlic, lots of carrots etc.

    I also had a question regarding exercise, as I wasn't 100% sure after reading that chapter in Feet First. My mare has a toe first landing, with mediolateral imbalances (worse on the LF lame foot). There is a pea gravel drive way by my yard, where I've walked her in hand a couple of times after the first 2 weeks just being in the field/stable. I understand from Feet First that it's beneficial to encourage movement on comfortable surfaces, even if slightly lame. Would you have an indication of what a good rehab schedule would be? I've been walking in hand for 15 minutes on the pea gravel a couple of times, and been to an arena and walked in hand, trotted shortly in hand, rode in hand for 30 minutes. Is that something of value to do, and would you wait with trotting / increasing ridden work until the foot landing has changed? Thanks so much and sorry about long post! This is all terribly new to me, having always had shod horses, so trying to learn as much as I can.
