Sunday 1 December 2019

Autumn update, horses going home and plans for the New Year...

Its been a super busy autumn here at Rockley, but today the current group of rehab horses are all going home. Its always sad to see them go and they are part of the family by the time they leave, but equally its exciting to see them going back to their old jobs and, hopefully, making further progress over the next few months as their feet continue to improve. 

We certainly couldn't have done without the help of Sam, who is now back here permanently. He has done a fantastic job of helping out with the horses (massively reducing the amount of time I have to spend sh*t shovelling and finding every horse's itchy spot, so that he has a hard time getting out of the yard without them all demanding attention!). 

Over and above this, he has taken on responsibility for the major job of keeping the fences, lawns and grounds in order and we've really benefitted from all his hard work since he came back in June. Thank you Sam!

Its been working really well, over the last few groups of the rehab horses, having them all arrive on the same weekend, as they very quickly form bonds with each other and become a tight-knit little unit, which is great to see and keeps them all settled and happy. 

This is something we will continue with in the New Year, so if your horse is on the waiting list, I have contacted you with a date - let me know if you no longer want your space!

I realise that I have been remiss in posting over the last few months; its been incredibly busy but I've missed blogging and I am going to definitely correct that over the next few weeks while we have a break until the next horses arrive. 

I'm also in the process of putting together dates for workshops, seminars and webinars for next year so if you are interested, keep an eye on the blog!

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