Tuesday 2 April 2019

Humphrey's 4 week update

Continuing with the updates its time for Humphrey to feature on today's blog. 

Over the 4 weeks he has been here he has gone from landing toe first to a better, heel first landing (his footage is below) and although he still needs to build his palmar hoof up further you can see the changes in his photos as well. 
 Dry feet always photograph better than wet feet unfortunately but he has a broader frog today (below) and his toe is shorter as well. 
A clearly better digital cushion and this should improve again now he is consistently landing better. 
 He is also happier to load this foot now than he was on arrival and again a better landing has allowed the palmar hoof to build. 
 Again, a better frog and more balanced foot, both good signs. 

Humphrey's footage is here: https://vimeo.com/manage/327023706

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