Tuesday 10 May 2016

3 weeks on - Mrs H's update

Mrs Hoggitt has now been here for 3 weeks so as usual its time for an update.
Photos, while interesting, don't give you much of an idea about how healthy hooves really are; to get the true picture you need to see the horse moving and so today I thought I would start with her footage. 

She came with good, strong feet but this - left - foot was definitely weaker than her right as the footage confirms. 
Three weeks on the changes in the photos are there but are fairly subtle - a shorter, more balanced hoof capsule and a better hairline. 
Her hooves, like those of the other rehab horses, have not been trimmed but have been allowed to develop in response to her movement. 
I would expect her frog and heels to become stronger again over the next few weeks but she has made a good start. 
The changes in her digital cushion are most likely the result of a changed landing - or maybe its the other way around...

Less of a change to her right foot which is as you'd expect since she was already landing heel first on this foot. 

However, coming back into work and spending more time on different sorts of terrain has resulted in a broader frog and harder-working sole. 

 Far less of a change in the palmar hoof - again, as you'd expect since she was already landing well on this foot.
All in all, encouraging signs from her first few weeks and I hope there will be lots more to come. 

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