Monday 9 November 2015

There and back again

Andy, Winston and I were away for 3 weeks and got back to find our horses very happy indeed and enjoying a fantastic autumn. 
There is nothing more boring than other people's holiday photos but its Monday and no-one minds a bit of blue sky and beach, surely?!
There was plenty of this sort of thing and its was a perfect way to relax and re-charge and I hope you all had a fantastic October as well.
Sadly the gorgeous weather we had when we came home seems to be slowly but surely transforming into more normal weather for November but it was fun while it lasted.
Now, back to business!


  1. Hello Nic,
    Very nice article and pictures are mind-blowing.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Thank you! It was a fab trip - a shame the blue skies are a thing of the past at the moment(!)
