Friday 6 March 2015

Ennis' update

A quick update on Ennis, who has been here nearly 3 weeks and whose photos are overdue - they will follow once my camera, which died this week, has been replaced (I hope later today!).
 Meanwhile you will have to just look at these stills from his footage instead. His RF was already landing just about heel first when he arrived but his LF was not, as you can see from the initial still above.
Its not the best quality but I hope you can see the better landing in his recent footage. Its not totally consistent yet but he is certainly heading the right way. 

Ennis from Nic Barker on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks Nic, it's interesting to see...and I guess he could be finding the lf more difficult...the mri showed more lesions/bone bruising there I think. Looking forward very much to seeing him...

  2. He was certainly landing worse LF when he arrived which would confirm the MRI. See you tomorrow anyway!

  3. :-) yes, will aim for mid morning
