Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Rockley Scholarship 2015

The Rockley Scholarship is now open and we need to receive your applications by email to before midnight on Sunday 19th April 2015. 

Please make sure you read this post carefully and include in your application all the information we need. 

We will choose one owner and horse to be the scholarship winner and will notify the owner by Tuesday 5th May 2015; if you are selected you will need to be able to bring your horse to Rockley on or before 1st June 2015.
  • Your horse's age is not particularly important - horses from 4-20 years old have all been through rehab.  However, this type of rehabilitation is not suitable for horses who would be retired so the more information you can provide about your horse's potential and your ambitions the better. 
  • Rehab is aimed primarily at horses with a diagnosis of front limb lameness which is isolated by a palmar digital nerve block. Typically horses have then had x-ray or MRI which identifies soft tissue damage such as DDFT/collateral/impar ligament injuries and/or navicular and coffin bone damage. You need to include a detailed history of your horse's lameness in your application and you will need a supporting reference from your vet.
  • Your application needs to be supported by 2 references (you need to send these in with your application).  One needs to come from your vet - who must provide details of the horse's veterinary history and give consent to the horse coming to Rockley.  The other reference should be given by a professional in the equine field who knows you well and who has read and can support your application.  This could be an instructor, yard owner, farrier or other equine professional.  Please include contact details for both referees so we can get in touch with them.
  • You need to include video footage of your horse with your application. Please upload footage to Vimeo or Youtube (in HD if possible) and include the links when you apply. We need: (1) footage of your horse in walk, on a flat hard surface. The camera should be held as still as possible and no higher than the horse's fetlock. You will need a helper to walk the horse past; and (2) footage of your horse on a circle in walk and trot on both reins. There are examples of footage like this on the blog or on the Rockley Vimeo channel.
    • The scholarship for your horse will be for 12 weeks and you will need to sign our usual rehabilitation livery agreement (please email us on the address above if you want a copy).  
    • There will be no charge for your horse's rehabilitation but you will need to contribute towards your horse's daily care, feed and livery. We will charge this at £75 per week simply to ensure that the scholarship winner is as committed as we are.
    • You will need to arrange transport for your horse to and from Rockley. However Steve Leigh (Nature's Way Hoofcare) and Dawn Perkins have very kindly offered a total of £100 which would be payable towards transport costs. 
    • The scholarship is intended for someone who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford to send their horse here so please give details of why you think you are eligible in your application - for instance if your insurers have refused to pay for rehabilitation or you are on a low income. 
    • Keeping a horse barefoot is a long-term responsibility. We will provide feed information and details of appropriate rehabilitation exercise for when your horse comes home but in your application you need to explain how you plan to continue your horse's care after he comes home and what your aims are for the future.  You don't need special facilities but do need to show that you have time and commitment.
    • Don't forget to include your name, address, email address and a contact phone number so we can get back to you.

    1 comment:

    1. Fantastic that you are doing this again! There's going to be one lucky horse and owner :)
