Monday 5 January 2015

Happy New Year to you all!

Hello blog readers, and a very happy 2015 to all of you and of course all your horses :-) Thanks so much to all of you who posted me updates and lovely photos; each of them made me smile and it was fantastic to hear about so many happy and successful partnerships chalking up another year of soundness!

I'm back blogging after the Christmas break and as always there are lots of updates to come on the rehab horses but first post goes to Louie, a new boy who arrived last Friday.
As you can see, he arrived in shoes but he is slightly unusual. As you probably already know, Most horses come with a "classic" palmar hoof pain diagnosis (which involves either navicular/coffin bone damage or deep flexor tendon/collateral or impart ligament damage).
Louie's diagnosis is slightly different but its still a problem in the back of the hoof - in his case poor frogs with a long-standing central sulcus infection.
As you can see from the caudal shot, its worse in the RF and there are also some mild balance issues which I would like to see improve. He has good strong cob feet though and a delightful attitude to life so now he is out of shoes I hope his feet will change very quickly. 

His video is here: for those who are interested - for some reason Vimeo's embed codes aren't working today but you can view the film directly on their site. 

More on Louie soon!


  1. This will be an interesting case to follow! Would love to visit your facility sometime!
