Friday 18 July 2014

Overcoming technical difficulties...

Apologies for the shortage of blog entries this week. 

I seem to have been hit by a triumvirate of technical hitches, including a camera that is reluctant to focus, a phone which won't allow voicemail and a computer which after an "upgrade" *hollow laughter* is running sooooooooo slooooowly that uploading footage and photos is almost impossible - its taking about 1,000 years just to type a simple sentence, in between crashes as I vainly try to do the more exciting stuff.  
I haven't got much patience with technology at the best of times and having wasted what feels like hours trying to fix the voicemail problem with o2 (result: FAIL) and sending multiple crash reports to Apple (result: who knows? Its a disaster so far) I'm going to give up on technology for this week.

The photo above was the good weather fleeing before the storm which came in just after 10pm last night but I'm hoping that once the lightning storms have cleared the air and de-bugged the ether everything will work fine next week...

Well, you have to be optimistic, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain Nic! My 100 years old laptop is on its last leg and chewing everything over like a 40 years old pony and my video camera decided to die - very annoying, inconsiderate technology!
