Monday 10 February 2014

Lots to catch up on

Sorry the blog was a bit truncated last week - storms and power cuts are thankfully over (at least for a day or so...) and we have re-battened down the barn roof (which was threatening to take off last Wednesday!) so normal service can now resume.
Pride of place today goes to Kate and Rolie who were out competing at the Regional Dressage championships this weekend. 
They did brilliantly, coming 6th with 69% in their Prelim class and topping that off with a 4th now a 3RD place (he's been upgraded!) and 70% in the dressage to music!

Very well done both of you - you both look fabulous - and here is their triumphal video :-)

On a completely different note, I had a great meeting last week with vet Chris Tufnell of Coach House Vets. I've known Chris for a little while through the horses he has sent down here so it was great to finally sit down and talk hooves with him and farrier Luke Silcock.

We have a few interesting ideas in the pipeline so I will keep you posted about how we get on!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Kate and Rolie :-) Lovely to watch quietly and elegantly ridden , well done .
