Friday 20 September 2013

The reunion video

Well, the slow motion clip I posted a few days ago has certainly been popular so I decided it deserved star billing with no distractions on the blog this week.
However there was a lot more going on behind the scenes, of course, and I've finally had the chance to cobble together that footage - the back story of the RRR 2013...


  1. Brilliant and fabulous, looks like you all had an amazing time xxx

  2. Question from a non-equestrian:

    are horses right/left dominant when the walk?

  3. Fantastic video!!! One of my favorite songs and sound barefoot horses in motion!!! Great job.

  4. You guys have way too much fun over there :)

  5. Fabulous! Next year I will try to get a GoPro to video the lessons too :-D
