Friday 19 July 2013

Its finally Fryday...

New boy Fryday actually arrived several days ago but there has been so much going on this week that he has - appropriately enough - only made it onto the blog today. 
Fryday is only a young horse but has been diagnosed on MRI with bilateral navicular damage, DDFT and impar ligament damage, joint damage and a bone bruise.
He has had Tildren and has also been shod with bar shoes and pads but neither his owner nor his vet felt he was improving as much as he should have done. You can't see a lot, of course, but he was definitely well shod - they were the toughest set of front shoes I've taken off in ages, and of course it was a boiling hot day(!)...
The business end - this is where the majority of the improvement needs to take place...Over to you, Fryday...