Tuesday 25 June 2013

New boy Chester

New boy Chester arrived at the weekend  - fortunately with a lot less trauma than Paddy's departure!
Chester is a 7 yr old Irish Sports Horse who had done very little before he was bought by Louise, his owner.
He went lame a couple of months ago and MRI revealed all sorts, including a DDFT lesion on his LF but he had also been diagnosed with bilateral navicular disease and bursitis, mild impar ligament damage and DIP joint synovitis.
When you look at his feet its not particularly surprising. His long toes, under-run heels and weak frogs aren't just a cosmetic problem but have led to him landing toe first especially on his RF. 
This has most likely been going on for a long while but Chester is a bit like a Duracell bunny and can't stop moving so with some time on the tracks he should start to develop and strengthen his palmar hoof quite quickly. 
More on Chester soon!


  1. Huge extended bar on that worse foot. It will be interesting to see how long that takes to drop off.

