Friday 12 April 2013

Bryher grows up

It was a big day for Bryher yesterday as I took Tegan, his mum, down to stud in Cornwall. He is 9 months old now and has Bailey, Felix and Charlie as his best mates - his mum had got rather bored of his antics truth be told.
We brought everyone up to the barn and good old Tegan loaded straight onto the lorry as if she travelled every week, not once in a blue moon. She travelled like a pro and I think will love her holiday in the much warmer climate of Cornwall - so far so good :-)
Once we had left, Andy turned Bryher, Bailey, Felix and Charlie out in his yard and field and they strolled off totally peacefully. No stress, no panic, just perfect...Phew! I took these pics last night - its tricky to get decent shots of Bryher because he is just way too friendly and inquisitive - they all tend to come out like the top one...!


  1. What a good fella, hope Tegan enjoys her sun, sand and ssssangria... and comes back with the goods ! Best of luck with them all.

  2. Exciting times! He is such a dude, am sure he's been desperate to play with the big boys.

  3. THanks both :-) He adores playing with Charlie, Krista but Felix is the main man. Bailey is his baby-sitter and keeps an eye out for anything scary!

  4. Good to hear that everything went off without a hitch! I hope Tegan enjoys her vacay and Bryher settles in well with the "big boys".

  5. awww, they all have to grow up eventually. he's so big now!

    has he made friends with uncle dexter yet? :)

  6. Bryher has been with F and C for quite a while now - C plays better games than his mum and F keeps everything orderly! Bailey is very protective of him though and doesn't like anyone apart from F and C getting involved so Dex has had to stay with the rehab horses and be content with chatting over the fence!
