Thursday 28 March 2013

We've found the sun...

...only problem is...
 ...we've got snow too.
 Wally and Ruby look pretty astonished, but I think its worse at home!
 Never mind Beanie - at least its warmed up a bit...
 ...and it looks as if it will thaw pretty quickly(!)...
Here's hoping!


  1. Very pretty indeed, Julie :-) Pretty much gone now, but apparently they are hinting at more in the forecast...grr...!

  2. I'll swap you some drought for some wet stuff!
    Here in NZ much of the country is suffering a drought. I hope we get a mild winter as many people are already well into their winter feed supplies.

  3. Feed shortages are going to be a problem for us too - there is no grass growing because its so cold and wet - you need rain, we need warmth - both having similar problems with forage as a result!
