Monday 18 February 2013

The sun goes to their heads...

Dave has been a very good boy working over the last week - happy, forward-going and enjoying being out with his new BF, Red, who was also loving the sunshine.
So when all I wanted from Dave on Sunday afternoon was a few minutes of footage on a circle which I could send to his vet and owner, I didn't think that was going to be a big ask.
I had reckoned without the effects of bright sunshine, strong winds and vocal companions; why would he trot in circles...
...when he could be having more fun rolling...
or of course demonstrating how much taller he is than I am. 

There is nothing wrong with his agility, despite him being at least 19 hands high, and although the photos look dramatic he is a gentle giant - but its a bit like having a Great Dane trying to jump up and put his paws on your shoulders(!).
Earlier, Wally had been in a similar frame of mind...again, all I wanted was to see him trotting a circle.
Instead I got all sorts of moves, only some of which would be recognised in a dressage arena...
Nice one Wally - you've got yourself off the sick list and into work for the week ahead :-)


  1. You look like a dwarf lunging Dave!! Spring gas sprung, think they were all a bit wild yesterday :0)

  2. I wouldn't have wanted to be on him in picture number four!!!

    Mine are getting perky too :-)


  3. Haha brilliant :) Dave is huge!!

  4. The Wild Horses of Rockley!!! Brilliant pics! :)

  5. LOL! I feel like a dwarf - or maybe a hobbit :-) For a horse with a weak back end he can certainly throw some impressive moves :-)
