Monday 24 September 2012

Where do I start?!

Got back from the Rehab's Reunion last night - this year we had it at Milton Keynes Eventing Centre and big thanks to Lucie Kingsnorth who suggested it - what a perfect venue!
We had a huge field and stable block all to ourselves, with lovely views, a marquee and our very own caterers (who provided lavish and delicious meals 3 times a day as well as unlimited tea and coffee). 

Supplement this with a vast array of homemade cakes (including pear, chocolate and cinnamon cake, orange and almond cake, chocolate and guinness cake, vanilla cupcakes to name a few) which the ladies of the WI would be proud of and you can see that we had a pretty indulgent weekend!
The horses were all incredibly relaxed  and seemed to positively relish their sleepover as well as reunions with old friends. 
Lea had done a tremendous job of organisation and I hope she and Taz also had the chance to relax and enjoy themselves. Certainly the staff and caterers at MKEC couldn't have been more welcoming or helpful.
Dexter and Kelly were on fantastic form! were Bryan and Charlotte...
...Amy and Eva...
...Debbie and Paddy and all the others (more pics to follow when I have the chance!). 
It was great to have unlimited opportunity to play with XC and steeplechase jumps but for those less inclined to gallop about there was a huge indoor school (particularly useful when the weather turned on Sunday, though we were lucky and the hurricane didn't arrive till we were packing up - which would not have happened on Exmoor!) as well as some nice hacking.
We had a blast - and I am already looking forward to next year's RRR (which I suspect will be even bigger and better!). I'm still trawling through photos so will post more over the next day or so!


  1. APPLE, pear, white chocolate and cinnamon. Pfft! how many times! :p

    thank you all for absolutely fabulous weekend!it was the most fun ive had with the pony in years. next year, he mgiht even be jumping and only be doing airs above the groun on command!

    already looking forward to next years and i think Nico is sulking that i've taken him away from all his friends again!

    hope you got back safe and sound Nic and that the hurricane is now blown over!

  2. Very envious of that array of cakes.......

  3. Soooooo very jealous!!!!! It sounds like the most amazing weekend! Roll on next year! Can't wait to see more photos.

  4. Sorry Em - and I forgot the Dorset apple cake too! Yep, got home through the hurricane thanks and Andy had properly battened down the hatches before he went so all was good - slept pretty well!
