Thursday 2 August 2012

Rehab - Vet's Briefing Paper

I get a lot of enquiries about rehab from owners and one of the essential precursors to a horse coming to Rockley is their vet's consent. 

The vast majority of vets are happy to refer horses here once they know a bit more about what we do, but a lot have no real idea of what our rehab consists of, or how its different from simply taking the shoes off a horse. 

Others have had bad experiences of incompetent trimmers laming horses and are understandably wary or simply have questions about the research we do and our results so far. 

So, as a way of providing some (I hope) useful information I've put together a short briefing paper for vets giving details of how our rehab works and how it differs from conventional treatments, information about research and our facilities.

I am sure it will develop and be added to in time but its currently available as a PDF so if you would like a copy please email me:


  1. What a very good idea. I'd love to see a copy please.

  2. Very good idea and I'd love to see one - I've emailed you.

  3. Great idea Nic, my vet was one of the very sceptical ones although she did refer me it was very much 'I'm doing this because you have demanded it but it comes with a strong caveat that I am dubious of the treatment and will not be held responsible for the outcome'. Hopefully it won't be long before vets can no longer ignore the results you are getting :)

  4. Thanks guys - copies winging their way :-)
