Monday 30 July 2012

What the horses did over the weekend

While the humans were recovering from an insane week of haymaking, the horses  - or some of them, at least - were getting the chance to make hay in their own way - let loose on the fields which have been shut up for months.

I think they enjoyed themselves!

Hope it gives you a Monday morning boost ;-)


  1. Lovely little treat for a Monday morning - thank you.

  2. If horses had thumbs they would be pinching themselves to see if it was a dream!! Just lovely

  3. Love this so much - they are having such a great time. Happy horses, nothing better than happy horses :0)

  4. That was lovely! And the film quality is amazing, I put it up full screen on my laptop and it was wonderful.

    Thank you so much for sharing the big, beautiful, happy boys!

  5. Thanks all - glad you enjoyed it - its so lovely watching them mooching in the sun ('course, its raining now!!)...

  6. Looks like the boys had a relaxing weekend, even if you were probably exhausted! Lovely vids, thanks!
