Thursday 5 July 2012

This speaks for itself...

A lovely update on Bryan. Who said 17.2hh warmblood showjumpers couldn't go barefoot...?!


  1. I have only just seen this! Bryan is very proud to have headlined the Rockley website blog. He attracted a lot of attention yesterday where before I jumped the most encouraging comment was "you must be f***ing mad, but then I suppose you hunt"! For his second barefoot outing on grass I am hoping to jump him at the Royal International Horse Show but only in the smaller classes. The rehab of any horse however you do it is always full of ups and downs and I think you have to celebrate the highs despite the fact that that makes the lows feel even worse! Nic Barker and I wrestle with the thought of jinxing Bryan but it was important to share his progress if only to give others hope.

  2. This is fabulous! Well done!!!

  3. Great to hear! My rehab won his class at the National breed show last year (not with me!) and I just love hearing how these horses that were supposed to be dead by now are doing.

