Tuesday 17 July 2012

M's 5 week pics

M, the scholarship boy, has now been here just over 5 weeks. 

He arrived, as regular blog readers know, with a slew of hoof problems from the usual palmar hoof problems ("navicular", toe first landing and therefore presumed ligament and tendon damage) plus thin soles, long toes and under-run heels with the added fun of an old hock fracture LH, unexplained lameness RH and historically bad cracks. 

The latter at least are ancient history, since he came out of shoes a few months before he arrived here. So all we have to do is try and improve the other stuff...!
Here is his RF the day he arrived. His owner had made big improvements to his diet and he has also had treatment for ulcers - which as an ex-racehorse are almost a given for him. So a lot of the good groundwork was already in place before he landed at Rockley.
Here is the same foot 5 weeks later - gosh, look, its a lot wetter for a start...More importantly if you look at the top of the hoof there is a steep new angle of hoof growth and there is more development at the back of his foot. Of course, M has a long way to go. He's at an early stage but its clear he is both capable of growing - and trying to grow - a much better hoof capsule. 
Here is his RF over 5 weeks - from day one, which you've seen before...The key points are the frog, heel buttress and bars. 
This is a couple of weeks ago. Slightly better bars, heels improving and something wacky happening with the medial aspect of the frog...
Today - heading in the right direction and looking a bit more organised, thought the sole is still pretty rubbish. Still, give him time...
This is the LF palmar/caudal shot, day one compared to today. Its still a desperately week digital cushion with high heels but is better than it was. I have no idea why his hair looks black in the lower shot - can only assume its the light since as far as I know his hair colour hasn't altered(!)...


  1. Wow, M's feet are really going in the right direction! What a clever boy! Here's for continued improvement in the coming weeks...

  2. Is that bruising on sole in latest picture? Do you find that, that often happens as they shift/change and move more? Through our barefoot year(s) I'm always seeing such changes and it's always interesting to see . Hopefully he'll build a nice sole and maintain which I'm SURE he will! :)

  3. I so recognize that hoof shape and the beginnings of changes. I even recognize the black smudges in the hair above the hoof. lol

    Go M!

  4. Kristen - yes, he had bruising on both feet - its not current damage any more but it will take time to grow out for sure.

  5. Been on tenterhooks since yesterday morning when I got several texts from my blog-following friends to say that M's feet had featured on Nic's blog again - I've been away without a computer!!!

    Great changes - I'm really pleased. I know he's got a very long way to go but such changes in 5 weeks make me more hopeful of what the medium-long term might bring for this horse. The new angle of growth is very noticeable now and the back of the foot in the last shot looks plumper! Sooo looking forward to seeing him (and his feet!) with my own eyes this weekend!
