Sunday 24 June 2012

The cheque is no longer in the post!

This is it - the cheque that NFU have sent Catherine - the full amount she was owed plus interest from the date they should have paid!

More good news, as well, that Buster's owners have also been paid and NFU confirmed last week that they will cover a new horse who is due to come here at the start of July!

Nice one, Catherine, and well done NFU for finally doing the right thing :-)


  1. What a fantastic result.. This is going to make some much difference to many horses.. literally the difference between life and death I guess. Catherine needs to be knighted..

  2. you guys use checks? i haven't written a check in 5 years and i wonder if i've forgotten how. for some reason germany doesn't do checks, which makes certain things inconvenient (you have to drive to the bank to get cash for your farrier and many restaurants only take cash still!). but most businesses let you do online banking transfers. now if only we could pay for our gas at the pump and not have to wait in line inside the gas station!

  3. Wonderful news... and so glad to hear that they seem to have changed their stance on this going forward!

  4. Lytha, yes, we still have cheques/cash/online - AND you can pay for you petrol at the pump in some places ;-)

    NH and Jassy - I TOTALLY agree with both of you!

  5. Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!

    Well done Catherine!


  6. celebration time! great news and well done to NFU for now getting things moving ASAP and for paying interest!

  7. Great stuff!! What a difference this will make to so many horses.
