Friday 27 April 2012

Spot the difference...

Some snapshots for you.  Charlotte came down yesterday as she is taking Bryan home on Saturday and she brought his last set of shoes with her...
It's always interesting to look at hooves changing and when you put the shoe against his feet as they are today it confirms that the back of his foot is broader and less under-run and that his LF is shifting medially, which is what needs to happen for this foot properly to support his limb. 
The RF shows similar changes though the medio-lateral balance was much better on this foot. 

Here are another couple of shots of a different horse for you to ponder.  What's the difference here (apart from the fact that the top foot is wet and the lower one dry, which I admit doesn't help...)?

Same question, same feet.  Any ideas?


  1. Ok I will take a very amateur shot at it! The back of the foot looks stronger, heel bulbs are better developed and more spread out. The balance is better, i.e. frog more in the middle of the foot. The flared wall is gone. Heels are lower.

  2. I agree, Heila - I'll post more on how and why the changes occurred soon :-)
