Thursday 1 March 2012

Matt's afternoon delight

Here's one as requested by Matt :-)  He asked what was going on this afternoon - well today, it looks like this...
Winston's had a busy morning helping exercise horses...
Knightley and Bailey are watching a digger at the opposite farm...
Felix, Charlie and Georgia are sunbathing...
Dom's making sure the haylage doesn't run out...

I'm doing emails then having a foray with Andy, Alan and Edward onto the barn roof to see if we can mend it in case this is the last dry spell we get for another 6 months... :-)


  1. You are now officially to blame for me giving up the DIY and heading to the stables

  2. Another gorgeous day I see!! I'm impressed that Dom's doing anything other than eating already!! :)

  3. Get out there, boy, those frogs need you :-)

    Yep, Dom is on good form - as you can see, he's not moving too far from the haylage...(!)

  4. Poor Winston, looks like he had a rough morning. And Dom... well, SOMEONE must make sure the barn is well-stocked!
