Wednesday 14 March 2012

Hound puppies

Meet the latest Exmoor foxhound puppies to be walked at Rockley :-)  They were born at the beginning of January and we picked them up at the end of last week, but until a couple of days ago they didn't have names, and you can't come on the blog without a name!
We walked their uncle and aunt, Griffin and Goldfinch, in 2008 so it's lovely to have the new generation here to cause havoc.  
The dog puppy, who is now called Daniel (they have "D" names after their father, Draper) is the spitting image of his Uncle Griffin and has his incredibly affectionate temperament.
HIs naughty little sister, Delilah, is a complete minx (belying the cute and innocent photo of her at the top of the blog) and has already fallen into the pond, escaped from the yard and enjoys causing trouble especially with Winston, who views her as a potential partner in crime...
Here Winston is about to show them how to jump the yard gate... 
...and here he is telling her to act nonchalant so they can slope off hunting together...


  1. They are soooooooooooooooo cute!!!

    me want one!

    (shame they have to grow ;) )

  2. Aaahhh! There appears to be a slight case of Hero Worship toward Winston by Delilah?!!

  3. OOOOH, so CUTE!

    I know that cuteness is all a ploy though. And Winston certainly doesn't need any crime partners - he seems like he can get into plenty of trouble all by himself!
