Saturday 4 February 2012

Bryan with one "i"

These are the feet belonging to Bryan, whose footage I posted yesterday.  My camera is sulking because it doesn't like operating in temperatures below freezing so I only managed to get his photos yesterday. 
His shoes came off 3 weeks ago and as is normal, there is some long hoof wall especially at the quarters which will chip and wear off quite quickly without causing any problems.  This is his worst foot and he has collateral ligament damage here as well as a diagnosis of pedal osteitis and navicular damage bilaterally.  
He hasn't got bad looking feet at all - though his landing shows he is not using them correctly at the moment - but his owner and I are hoping we have caught him early enough to be able to turn them around and perhaps even get him back to jumping big jumps, which is his proper job :-)


  1. Wendy Raptor is missing Big Bryan. I told her that he is having lots of fun in Devon. She misheard and thought I said Heaven. Cue a complete hissy fit until I assured her it was definitely Devon!

  2. LOL! Easy to mishear :-) Hope you've managed to dig your way out, or are you training Wendy to pull a sleigh?!

  3. Wendy says "Me pull a sleigh? How very dare you suggest such a thing!" She's been watching me digging through the snow drifts so I can get out to get her jam doughnuts.

  4. :-) Sending the thaw your way...!
