Monday 10 October 2011

Flynn and Stacy's weekend

Stacy came down to see Flynn for the first time since the RRR (when he had only been here a few days).    Of course it was a day for a full set of waterproofs, as always...
"Are we about to ride off the edge of a cliff in the fog?"
No, Flynn knows exactly where he is going
Stacy was riding him for the first time since June :-)  Flynn came down here straight from box rest and with a poor prognosis from his vet as he his MRI had shown DDFT damage and he had also had hind limb lameness problems.
There is a long way to go before Flynn has grown a complete new hoof capsule but even in 4 weeks he has made a start and has become sounder and more sure-footed.  Here he is demonstrating his new found skill at going downhill...
Flynn realises the water is more fun than he first thought...
Clever boy!
Behaving like a pro.  
Flynn's feet are changing rapidly and I will get his latest photos up soon.  I will also put up updates this week for Taz and for Dillon (who went home on Friday and has settled back in very well, apparently).


  1. It does rather look like you're about to jump off a cliff into a fog bank there. However, Flynn certainly does look like an old pro at this stuff!

    I have to ask... what sort of waterproofs do you prefer? The ones I have are rather pathetic, and since we (gasp!) actually got some rain this weekend, it occurred to me that better ones might be useful!

  2. Rain - are yah sure, Jen? Don't think to impress me with your talk of rain... I bet your so-called "rain" was what we over here would call a nice sunny day...Go on, how many inches?!

    If you really could measure it in inches I might talk to you about waterproofs ;-)

  3. We got TWO WHOLE INCHES!!!! Fer reals! The grass is greening up even as we speak - I swear I need time lapse photography!

    It's not enough rain to make a serious impact on the drought, but hey, I'll take anything at this point.

    So, about those waterproofs? ;)

  4. Texans - you've always got to have it bigger and better than the rest of us, haven't you ;-) Well, for 2 inches in a day I'll share what I know...

    Coats wise, anything by Rambo/Mountain Horse is pretty good, ditto Barbour. I've also got a couple of Result coats which I like but which are hard to find.

    For waterproof trousers, Regatta do good ones for walking/yardwork. The best ones I've found to ride in are by Rockfish and are truly ghastly (pale blue and silver reflective) but do what it says on the tin and don't creep up your legs once you're on a horse :-)

    Ornella Prosperi also do really good waterproofs except that the coats are too short IMO...

  5. I am a fellow, barefoot-er-horse-owner :D thanks for the continuing 'support' in showing us all that you can do anything barefoot :D I have left an Award for you on my Blog

  6. Dear old Flynn(#2). I hope he gets betterer and betterer and betterer till he can't get any more betterer but then suddenly gets an extra bit betterer surprising everyone, even Nobel Prize winners and stuff.
