Friday 30 September 2011

Another reunion

This time for Kelly and Dexter :-)  Kelly was working abroad during the RRR but she was down in Devon this week and came to see her favourite pony.  Unfortunately she didn't have the time to come down for a hunting day so that Dexter could demonstrate his new found status as Exmoor hunter, but no doubt that will happen some time soon!
Instead they contented themselves with a whizz round the farm, popping the odd cross-country jump as they went.  Kelly's boyfriend was on hand to take some video which I may put up on the blog next week unless Kelly bribes me not to ;-)
Dex says: Are we off?

PS: Note glorious weather, our summer, which has arrived only 4 months late...The last time it was this hot was April (yup, really) but we are all now making the most of it.  Its pretty perfect actually - heat but no flies!  Only problem is all the horses have become woolly, so yesterday was a clipping marathon for me, shaving the fur off all the horses who are in hard work...Itch, itch, itch...!


  1. Clipping?!?! It's like, September and the high today is in the upper 90s. My horses are barely considering growing a winter coat... just a hint of floof.

  2. Ah, well we had nasty weather pretty much wall to wall through August and September so the horses all stared changing their coats quite early, and now, just as they are getting properly furry, guess what the temperature has rocketed and its back to summer again - poor ponies are now steaming!
