Thursday 18 August 2011

An update and a warning!

Very busy day yesterday, very busy day today, lots to put up and lots of footage to organise but for today you can have this fab update about Bailey W from Lainey:

"Time for a Bailey update. All is going brilliantly with Bailey. We have once again started our weekly dressage lessons and what a different horse! we are both loving every minute. He is balanced, supple, rhythmic, and most of all FORWARD. 

Our competition results are dramatically improving each outing and so much so that our instructor (who judges dressage) wants us to affiliate! 

Out hacking he is superb, and has the most amazing medium trot ever. We are both waiting for cubbing to start (which i am told is August bank holiday). I am over the moon, he has come back better than ever and amazing to ride........."

I have also however had an update that Sol is not doing so well, which is not great news, and it sounds as if the grass at home may be to blame so do continue to be careful with your grass folks - here its been raining all summer but if you're in a drier area do be aware that its still potentially very high in sugars...


  1. Excellent news about Bailey!! Pleased he's doing so well!

    Poor Sol :( Sending get well wishes his way!!

    The grass is definitely shooting up, like spring grass, up hear in the north east!
    Noticed a change (for the worse) in Patsy's feet.. but we're on top of it again now! :)

  2. Paul isn't doing so well this summer, the grass was analysed as low levels in sugar? Maybe it could be a combination of late spring grass and concussion related cause of the continuing horrendously hard ground!?!

  3. Interesting, Clare - could be - only time will tell I guess.

    Hannah, thats very good to hear - brilliant :-)
