Monday 1 August 2011

By the skin of our teeth...

We've got all our grass in - in the nick of time - barely half an hour before the heavens opened.  Hugely relieved but it was an incredibly stressful few days (and sleepless nights) as the weather was against us and the reliability of the forecasting dire.
Normal blog service will resume tomorrow but in the meantime thanks to Nicky and Terri for their understanding while they were at Rockley this weekend with their horses, as it wasn't quite as calm as usual(!).  Thank you to all of you for your good wishes and positive thoughts - it may have made the difference in keeping the rain off long enough to get everything baled :-)

Massive thanks to Sam for coming and helping out on Sunday morning and most of all, undying gratitude to Edward, who saved our bacon when not one but both of our tractors decided to die on the job and was still wrapping bales at 9pm last night.  THANK YOU, EDWARD!


  1. And relaaaxxx.Phew. Well done one and all.

    Nic, you never know how close I came to calling you to see if I could come and visit Flynn this w/e. I was having serious pony pangs, but I'm glad I didn't now!

  2. Hey Nic, god I'm glad you got it all in it was raining here at 6pm and I was worried for you....... Who said country life was less stressful than city!!!!!!

  3. Thanks both :-) Matt you would have been welcome but I was a bit distracted(!) Good job you can fend for yourself :-)

  4. Yaaay! Now, go get some sleep!

  5. Jen, I slept like a log last night :-) Saturday night I was waking up every few minutes and dreamt (a) that a foot of snow had fallen overnight; (b) that the baler never arrived; (c) that it rained overnight etc etc(!) Thank god its all over :-)

  6. Amazing photo!!! Glad all went well :)
