Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Wonder Horse rides again...

Felix and I have now been practising our "going commando" skills for nearly 3 weeks now.  Our initial attempt was in the arena, but we've been going out and about with no bridle for the last 10 days or so and its been huge fun :-)
I posted our first excursion round the farm here, and last weekend we graduated to going out with other horses as well.

Sam had been hoping to get some footage then, but although Felix behaved impeccably, it proved too difficult to take footage from a fidgety mare so we tried again this weekend instead.

We had proper Exmoor weather, too, for our own episode of "Champion the Wonder Horse" so special thanks to Sam, camera-woman extraordinaire, for braving the fog and drizzle and coming up hill and down dale with us :-)

Felix the Wonder Horse from Nic Barker on Vimeo.


  1. How cool! I posted this on my blog. I'm impressed with working the gates.

  2. LOL! Thanks Barbara :-) He's a pretty clever horse ;-)

  3. Awesome what you've achieved in 3 weeks :-) You 2 must have such a good relationship and looks like you both have loads of fun together!!

  4. Celery Productions!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Love the music, love the Felix! Y'all look great together!

    Now that you're barefoot and bridleless, will the next thing to go be the saddle? ;)

  5. I don't mean to be cynical, but it's what happened after you went round the corner at the end I'm interested in.. Only joking. That's bloody brilliant. Well done.

  6. LOVED the video!!! Felix is such a dude!!

    The next dare will be to repeat... On Angel ;) hehe

  7. Gorgeous photo and landscape. I like how you turn Felix by getting his attention to the side you want. Do you use food?

  8. Oh my gosh that actually brought tears to my eyes, you and Felix make my heart sing :) xx

  9. Thank you for your lovely comments :-) TBH it was only when I started not using a bridle that I realised how little we already used it, if that makes sense(!). Think thats why he took to it so quickly.

    Val, I taught him the left and right hand signals and to stop with a clicker, so reward based - but a mixture of food and non food rewards. Being Felix the genius, he learnt the cues in the single session in the arena(!)...
