Monday 9 May 2011

This should brighten your Monday morning...

Lainey posted this fantastic photo late on Sunday night - and it can mean only one thing - Bailey went to camp and they had a WONDERFUL time :-)
The ground here has been like concrete for weeks, but the gods were smiling on Bailey and Lainey and bang on cue on Friday night it started pouring with rain at Pontispool, where the camp was taking place.
You can tell from their faces that they are having a blast - here is what Lainey said:

"Just to let you know that Bailey and i had a fab time at camp   Out of 48 horses he was the only barefoot horse. He was rockcrunching over the gravel and large pointy stones to my utter amazement as i wasn’t sure he would be. THAT was my main worry, but i needn’t of worried at all. A lot of people were amazed that he was fit enough? i mean ‘how on earth can you do enough road work to get him fit for this? when informed that he does around 2 hours daily they all looked surprised!

Even on the 3rd day i thought he would be tired like the rest of the group, how wrong was i  he was raring to gooooooooooooooo.

He did not slip once on the course despite the thunder storm and huge downpour the night before, everyone else was studding up. Even myself in the past would have done the same!

And the best news by far is that he is sound. To be honest i wasn’t sure that jumping him was a good idea, i mean, i was told that he would never be able to jump again or even be field sound! He tried his heart out and enjoyed every minute."
What a brilliant start to the week - and what a testament to one owner's hard work and dedication to her gorgeous horse :-)