Friday 25 March 2011

Zan is finding all this sunshine tiring

All that mooching around in the glorious spring sunshine has worn Zan out - he has to stay in and have a
kip after breakfast :-)
He is a very sweet boy and Charlie keeps trying to persuade him to hang out with him and Felix, but he adores Lucy and where she goes, he goes.

Like Lucy, he has only been here just under 3 weeks and he had very weak feet when he arrived.  He is not capable of work on the roads or on tough surfaces yet, but he has a lovely attitude and is already keen to try and do more than he is asked(!)

Here are his feet comparison photos - RF just after he came out of shoes...
and today - good stuff already happening and on the way to much better feet :-)


  1. Isn't it wonderful just how quickly things improve, lovely to see :) Keep up the good work Zan :)

  2. Really amazing to see the changes in his feet after only 3 weeks! No doubt he'll be trotting along the roads in no time!
