Wednesday 30 March 2011

Lameness research update

I've just updated the Project Dexter results tab at the top of the blog.  Project Dexter is a way of tracking how rehabilitation at Rockley compares with conventional treatments and covers horses who've been diagnosed with DDFT/collateral ligament damage (on MRI) or navicular syndrome by nerve blocks and x-rays.

I've now tracked 23 horses  - 18 have completed rehab and 5 are here at the moment and a summary of the results is on the blog page.  The detailed results are too big to include here but if any of you would like the results on email, please let me know.

Its sometimes difficult for horses to be re-assessed by the same vet, and so not all the horses who've gone home sound and in full work have been re-vetted but a huge thank you to those of you who have been able to do so.
The latest horse to be re-assessed was Rose, and it was lovely to receive a letter from her vets confirming that she passed her re-assessment sound in walk, trot and canter - brilliant news and great to hear that she is going from strength to strength and still stomping about on her fantastic hooves in Yorkshire!

I am enormously grateful to all the owners, vets and of course horses who've been involved with the project so far and will keep updating it with new horses as they come through.  I hope there will be more positive news on Project Dexter in the future :-)


  1. Hopefully Soli will be able to be added to the re-assessed list soon :D

  2. Yes please to an email update Nic.

    Someone has to listen soon, with the numbers you are getting to, don't they????


  3. I still wish my vet had sent her report to you, I don't like seeing 'not received' on your research when I paid out the best part of £1500 in diagnostic vets bills prior to Isha coming to you. Makes me very cross that there isn't more interest in the treatment side :(
    On the plus side she did finally write a referral letter to the insurance company so I guess that is a step in the right direction. I have been left feeling that unless there is a pay incentive there is little interest in the welfare of the animal. I had better stop now before I get into full rant mode! :o
