Saturday 19 March 2011

In which we remember that slate floors are a Good Idea

One of the lamb triplets wasn't doing well, so since he needed feeding every couple of hours and I'd already had a long day, he came into the house.  Winston was surprised...

 ...but after they'd watched the BBC together, peace and harmony were restored (despite the sheepling attempting to suckle Winston in an inappropriate place once or twice...)

Lambs are not amenable to house-training, and if you put milk in every few hours, there is also bound to be output...However slate floors are easily cleaned, and the sheepling is now doing well, is much bigger and is back out in the barn.  Winston is still slightly confused...


  1. aahh, Iknew a sheep in NZ who thought she was a dog....would sit on my lap for cuddles...they still have her, they couldn't eat her....they eat her babies tho....shh don't tell her! she and the dog still play together too

  2. Aw, what cute pictures! Winston does look slightly suspicious of his new house-mate though.

  3. This amount of cute should not be allowed.

  4. I trust you dont have an open fire??? Friends of mine left a lamb in front of an open fire and came back later to find it, literally, roasted on their quarry tiles .........


  5. You're so gruesome, Caroline :-) No, we have several woodburning stoves but no roasted lambs (or puppy dogs) I am glad to say :-)

    Sheepling has no name yet, but I have a suspicion he will have a long and dishonourable life now that he is part dog, part sheep(!)
